Dino Tutors

Dino Tutors is an example of a company in the tutoring industry, showcasing the power of intergrating TutorCruncher into your website.

Our Tutors

At Dino Tutors, we are committed to excellence. We source only the best tutors from around London. Each and every one goes through an extensive interview process to make sure they are the right pick for your family. Click on a tutor to view their profile and request their services.

TutorCruncher Socket lists your approved tutors from within the system, including subjects they teach and at what level they teach them and any customisable fields you wish to include.

A client can click on a tutor's profile to view their profiles and request them. If this happens, all relevant admins within TutorCruncher would receive and email with the client's details as well as creating them as a Prospect Client. Optionally, a new job would be created in the system with the tutor as an applicant for it.

Create an account with us, fill in your profile and we'll get in touch to arrange an interview!

Your tutors can create pending accounts and fill in their profiles with as much information as you wish so that you can review them and decide whether or not to take their application further.

About Dino Tutors

Dino Tutors is a fake tutoring agency founded in 2017 by some highly intelligent individuals working at TutorCruncher.

It has been created as an example of a tutoring agency or centre providing tuition to their clients. If this sounds like you, why don't you get in touch to learn about TutorCruncher, the industry leading business management system built for the tutoring industry.

Contact Us

Below is an example of a contact form that, when submitted, would send all relevant admins within TutorCruncher an email with the client's details as well as creating them as a Prospect Client.